We are one of Australia’s leading

Mental Health First Aid

training providers.

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Imagine someone is experiencing a heart attack. Most people wouldn't hesitate to step in and provide first aid until medical professionals arrive. In fact, in most schools and workplaces, it is mandatory for people to be trained in first aid in case of an emergency.

Mental Health First Aid is essentially the same concept, but for mental health crises. It's about equipping individuals with the skills to recognise signs of mental health problems, offer initial support, and guide people towards professional help.

We all know someone who has struggled with their mental health. By completing a Mental Health First Aid course, you'll gain the confidence and knowledge to support those around you.


Evidence-based: All Mental Health First Aid courses are based on guidelines that are informed by people with lived experience, their caregivers, and ental health professionals.

Rigorously evaluated: Evaluations consistently show that Mental Health First Aid training improves participants’ knowledge of mental illnesses and their treatments, and confidence in providing Mental Health First Aid to individuals.

Skills-based: Teaches the practical skills, knowledge, and confidence to make a difference.

Internationally recognised: Over 6 million people trained in Mental Health First Aid across 25 countries.

As a society, we have come a long way in recognising the existence and general impact of mental health issues. However, awareness alone simply isn’t enough. We’re in desperate need of quality education and training for mental illness, wellness, and how to support our communities in hard times. We are all susceptible to feeling low, losing focus, and slipping through the cracks.

Meraki Wellbeing was created out of necessity to fill these gaps.

We’re paving the way for conversations around mental health to be normalised and encouraged.

We want to see a world where you talk about how you’re feeling as easily as you talk about what you did today.

Together, we’re growing the collective capacity for mental wellbeing by equipping, educating and empowering communities. We believe in the ripple effect, and we know that turning everyday people into agents of change is the best way to save lives.  

We offer a variety of Mental Health First Aid training programs for individuals, teams, and communities. All of our courses are evidence-based and nationally accredited, so you can feel confident that you are receiving high-quality and reputable training.