Embracing relaxation and switching off

There’s so much to love about visiting somewhere new – the breathtaking landscapes, the charming streets, the delightful cuisine. When I left home for my latest holiday, I was completely unaware that it would provide me with more than just unforgettable memories. 

It served as an important reminder of the essential yet often overlooked practice of switching off and taking a break from our everyday lives. Now, before you dismiss this as just another travel anecdote, let's delve deeper into the importance of relaxation and stepping away from being busy for the sake of our mental wellbeing.

Rediscovering Switching Off

Now, I know what you’re going to say - "I can't afford a grand European getaway every year!" And I’m not saying that you need to! The heart of the matter isn’t about going on a big overseas annual holiday, (but also if you want to do that, go ahead!). It’s about the wisdom of disconnecting and allowing yourself to breathe. My European adventure gifted me with an understanding that goes beyond the typical holiday stories. It showed me that while I can't jet off to faraway lands at will, I can certainly find ways to switch off and escape daily life - and why it’s so important that we do.

The Power of Routine – and Its Limitations:

Before you accuse me of flip-flopping on my beliefs, let's address the elephant in the room. Routine is, of course, a powerful tool for mental health. I've previously talked about its benefits, and I still stand by them. However, there comes a point when even the most cherished routine becomes a bit stifling. Our brains do enjoy novelty and new experiences, and that's where the magic of switching off comes into play.

Breaking Free from the Familiar:

Picture this: your alarm clock doesn't rudely awaken you, your planner remains untouched, and you give yourself permission to explore uncharted territory – not necessarily in distance, but in moments. Stepping away from the familiar routine allows your mind to recalibrate. It's like a reset button, giving your mental faculties a chance to recharge.

Unlocking Creativity and Joy:

When we venture beyond our comfort zone, we make room for creativity. Novel experiences stimulate different neural pathways, sparking creativity and encouraging us to look at challenges from fresh perspectives. The mundane becomes exciting, and our sense of wonder is reignited.

Reconnecting with Ourselves and Others:

While switching off may seem like a solitary act, it often leads to a deeper connection with both ourselves and also those around us. The break from constant demands and responsibilities allows us to turn inward, to listen to our thoughts and feelings without distractions. Moreover, spending quality time with loved ones or even making new connections during these breaks can improve our sense of belonging and social wellbeing. I can personally attest to this - even though I live with my partner, the time that we spent together on our holiday has been some of the most quality time we’ve had and absolutely deepened our relationship.

In a world that constantly urges us to be productive, efficient, and always "on," the act of switching off can feel like a rebellious act of self-care. It's not about escaping reality permanently, but about recognising the value of taking mindful breaks. I urge you to embrace switching off in your own way. Whether it's a weekend retreat, a digital detox, or a leisurely stroll through your neighborhood, remember that these moments of relaxation aren't just luxuries – they are essential investments in your mental wellbeing.


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